Category: Copilot

M365 Copilot licensing

A recent question was asked about Microsoft M365 Copilot licening. Does a tenant need to license all users or is a subset of users available? M365 Copilot is like any other workload, you see the licenses in the admin center and can assign them to individuals or groups using the GUI or PowerShell. From the

M365 Copilot supported Office versions

For Microsoft M365 Copilot, you need to be on the Current Channel release of Click to Run applications. Monthly and Semi-annual are not yet currently supported for M365 Copilot. Therefore, if you are planning on rolling out Microsoft M365 Copilot for your tenant, you need to ensure you are on the Current Channel deployment. Will

M365 Copilot, Outlook for Mobile reset

I was recently working with a customer enabling Copilot for their end users. After the Copilot license was assigned, it took several minutes to have Outlook for Windows, Word, PowerPoint, and Teams to have the Copilot option appear. However, the Outlook for Mobile app was taking longer. As a first step (as always it seems