Tag: O365

Self-service PowerShell throttling change

You can now relax the PowerShell throttling in your tenant, following these steps. Just like the EWS throttling change, you can do the same task for PowerShell. To request a relaxation of the PowerShell throttling, follow these steps. When logged into the O365 admin portal, simply select the ‘Need help?’ icon at the bottom right

Self-service EWS throttling change

Up until recently, the process to get a relaxed throttling limit during an O365 onboarding migration, was to open a Microsoft Support case. This process is now available as a self-service option. During an O365/M365 data migration, there are several performance best practices to follow. But even after following the guidelines, sometimes the cloud service

How to control O365 licensed products

I’ve had this conversation at least once a week for the past several months. Customers ask, how can they use PowerShell scripts to assign/control O365 licensing workloads assigned to end users? Don’t use a script, use Azure group-based licensing. The problem with a script is, you must assign all workloads, then remove the ones you

O365_Logon module

I created this PowerShell module awhile ago to help O365 Administrators sign into the their online tenant services using simple verb-noun single command lets (cmdlets). While the general O365 PowerShell (PS) sign-in process is straight forward by itself, there are several lines of PS code that need to be combined and executed each and every


This is another handy one to use, which allows connecting to Exchange Online easily. Similar to the O365_Logon module I have published, this function includes a prefix option. The prefix appends a value to the noun of cmdlets that allows you to run more than one remote session in the same PowerShell console that you

Spam notification message

I’ve run into this a couple of times now with customers, consequently thought I’d finally get around to writing a blog post. The question is, can spam notifications be sent less than once a day? What are we talking about. In Exchange online, there is a notification message that is sent to users’ mailboxes periodically,

Q: Customer wants to take an export/backup of the EOP policies and settings, so that they can revert back if required, is that possible?

A: Sort of – it is for migration from one tenant to another but has all the steps for what you are wanting, i.e. export and import. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/SecurityCompliance/eop/move-domains-and-settings-from-one-eop-organization-to-another-eop-organization You can also check out the script listed in the technet gallery for this: https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Migrate-EOP-Settings-9d480325

Exchange Hybrid Duplicate Mailboxes

Some customers have seen where they can end up with a duplicate mailbox within their hybrid environment. This can cause problems when a user, either on premises or in the cloud, has two mailboxes, one on premises and another one in Exchange Online (EXO). The good news is, there is now a work around. A

To stay hybrid or not to stay hybrid…

That is the question and the answer is: It depends, but most like yes. You need to ensure that you have no on premises dependencies. I’ve had this conversation with more than 5 customers in the past 2 weeks, so thought I’d present the discussion of the options and thought process around removing the Exchange servers from