Category: Documentation

Exchange Server important dates

Just a reminder, Exchange Server versions have some important dates coming up: Exchange Server 2010 support will end on January 14, 2020 October 14, 2020 is the new date: Exchange Server 2013 has now entered extended support and that will end April 11, 2023 Exchange Server 2016 extended support ends October 14, 2025 Exchange

Health Checker .ps1 for Exchange Server

Mark Nivens created this HealthChecker.ps1 file for Exchange servers for your on premises environment. This script checks various configuration items on the Exchange server to make sure they match the recommendations published in the "Exchange 2013 Sizing and Configuration Recommendations" guidance on TechNet. It also reports on Operating System and hardware information. You can run it remotely against a single

Exchange server administrators, now what are you going to do?

Thought this would be a good Labor Day discussion, about how much labor an Exchange administrator performs. The short answer is, you’ll still be very needed if/when your company decides to move to Exchange online in O365. So you think you’ll lose your job when your company moves Exchange on premises content into O365 using


Need to know a member count of ALL distribution groups and e-mail enabled security groups in your organization that exports to a CSV file? Then this function is for you. Get-GroupMemberCount This function simply creates a .CSV file of all the e-mail enabled groups and current member count. May not be the most elaborate task,


The Get-DotNETVersion function presents the current .NET version on a machine. This is part of the MO_Module PowerShell code that helps administrators in their daily tasks. From an Exchange Server perspective, .NET support is very sensitive to which version of Exchange and which .NET is allowed to be used. This value also changes based on

Exchange online preservation policy summary

I love the cloud, yet sometimes it is not easy to keep up with the ever-changing topology. With the quickness and agility of O365 and the amazing new tools and processes, it’s an exciting time but one you must keep up with on all the changes. This article is written to help clear up some

You should have notifications of RRS feeds to updates on specific websites

If you are in IT and work with a specific technology, or a group of technologies, then you should truly leverage the ability to get notifications from product group web sites, or at least important sites that you ought be following. Recently, Exchange servers had an issue with specific Windows Updates. Without getting a notification,

Ever changing life cycle process

Service Packs for Microsoft products, at the time, were provided with 12-24 months of support depending on the product after the release of the next service pack. For Exchange Server 2013, the SP1 is caught in an awkward state of support perpetuity until Exchange 2013 itself hits the end of support lifecycle as there was

Using PowerShell instead of command line to keep a transcript

Ok, so all of you that use Command Line (CMD.exe), it is probably time to stop and just use PowerShell. Now there is nothing wrong with cmd, as we’ve used it for many, many years. However, there is no transcript option available. Many of you know and some do not, that PowerShell has a built

New Snipping tool

Just got my notification that Windows 10 is implementing a new snipping tool. The snipping tool was introduced in Windows Vista and is now being updated with the ‘Snip & Sketch’. You can download the toolset from here: