Tag: Exchange Online Protection

Exchange server administrators, now what are you going to do?

Thought this would be a good Labor Day discussion, about how much labor an Exchange administrator performs. The short answer is, you’ll still be very needed if/when your company decides to move to Exchange online in O365. So you think you’ll lose your job when your company moves Exchange on premises content into O365 using

Q: Customer wants to take an export/backup of the EOP policies and settings, so that they can revert back if required, is that possible?

A: Sort of – it is for migration from one tenant to another but has all the steps for what you are wanting, i.e. export and import. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/SecurityCompliance/eop/move-domains-and-settings-from-one-eop-organization-to-another-eop-organization You can also check out the script listed in the technet gallery for this: https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Migrate-EOP-Settings-9d480325