
This is a PowerShell module, combining several daily administrative tasks into simple Verb-Noun functions for engineers to perform their jobs easier. I was developing/maintaining several different PS modules, which became more work, so I thought I’d just combine everything into one single place, titled: MO_Module.

Since my primary technologies are Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft Active Directory, there are several functions that assist with those roles. However, some of the cool features help with other applications. I’m also planning to just put in all kinds of random stuff that works for people.

Why ‘MO’? Well, since I have a fairly common name, and since Mike was the number one US new baby boy name for many, many, many years, some of my friends would call me MO, to help separate the vast number of Mike’s in the room. So, I thought it would be easier to remember and not type incorrectly than my name. Plus…who’d have thought, that an apostrophe would be the bane of my computer existence with my name. Oh sure, coders can program around special characters in database fields, but most don’t. I’ve even sent several companies (like credit cards, and car rentals) the actual code so they could fix their problem with my name. Most still can’t deal with it. Oh well, MO it is.

I’ll continue to add functions over time and update this page and the function pages in more detail as time permits. These are the functions currently available:

Most of the time, I get requests to help customers or other engineers on a PowerShell task. And when I do, I’ll just throw the function in the MO_Module, version up the .psd1 file, and viola, off and running with more easily repeatable tasks for everyone to use in their environment.

To download the latest version, just run Import-Module cmdlet with this syntax:

Import-Module -Name MO_Module

Once you have it installed, occasionally, you can run the Update-Module syntax to get the latest updates:

Update-Module -Name MO_Module -Force

This module is maintained in the MS PowerShell gallery and the MS Script Center.

I hope this helps make your daily administrative tasks easier. Enjoy.

Mike O’Neill

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