RunAs Radio: Tips and Tricks
I was interviewed on ‘RunAs Radio’ which was posted on March 4th, 2015 with a 30 minute discussion about free tools for the IT professional. RunAs Radio is a weekly Internet Audio Talk Show for IT Professionals working with Microsoft products. RunAs Radio was launched on April 11, 2007 with a node from its sister show, .NET Rocks!, which
Exchange online preservation policy summary
I love the cloud, yet sometimes it is not easy to keep up with the ever-changing topology. With the quickness and agility of O365 and the amazing new tools and processes, it’s an exciting time but one you must keep up with on all the changes. This article is written to help clear up some
Exchange needs Active Directory
I was recently called into help on a ‘Crit Sit’ (Critical Situation) that a customer had with their Exchange 2010 environment. During the previous night, a few of the Databases that have a total of 3 copies spread across a DAG flipped to different servers. This ultimately was caused by Exchange asking AD a question
PowerShell modules: loaded vs. available
The Get-Module cmdlet lists all modules that are available on the current computer to the current user. Whereas the Get-InstalledModule cmdlet lists all modules that were installed using Install-Module on a local computer. The difference in performance comes from the second command needing to inspect each available module to check whether it was installed or
What to name your DAG?
Was helping a customer the other day and the topic of what to name your DAG (Exchange Database Availability Group) was presented. One thought is to just name it ‘DAG’. Works well, but the issue is, when migrating from Exchange Server 2010 to Exchange Server 2013, or 2010 to 2016, or 2013 to 2019, etc.
You should have notifications of RRS feeds to updates on specific websites
If you are in IT and work with a specific technology, or a group of technologies, then you should truly leverage the ability to get notifications from product group web sites, or at least important sites that you ought be following. Recently, Exchange servers had an issue with specific Windows Updates. Without getting a notification,
Controlling bandwidth in a DAG reseed
Q: Is there a way to control bandwidth within a DAG (Database Availability Group) during a reseed process? A: No. However, that’s not the complete story. The question comes up when engineers need to reseed a database (DB). And while there is no native option to control bandwidth, there is a work around. Scenario: One of the
Ever changing life cycle process
Service Packs for Microsoft products, at the time, were provided with 12-24 months of support depending on the product after the release of the next service pack. For Exchange Server 2013, the SP1 is caught in an awkward state of support perpetuity until Exchange 2013 itself hits the end of support lifecycle as there was
Using PowerShell instead of command line to keep a transcript
Ok, so all of you that use Command Line (CMD.exe), it is probably time to stop and just use PowerShell. Now there is nothing wrong with cmd, as we’ve used it for many, many years. However, there is no transcript option available. Many of you know and some do not, that PowerShell has a built
No one received the certificate expiration notification!
Exchange Certificates Prior to Exchange Server 2013, the Exchange application did not automatically notify administrators of a pending upcoming certificate expiring. One of the issues we administrators run into is expiring certificates. If the Exchange environment has a certificate that expires, then typically, trusted access via clients is interrupted. The good news is, you should ask