Tag: MO_Module


This is another handy one to use, which allows connecting to Exchange Online easily. Similar to the O365_Logon module I have published, this function includes a prefix option. The prefix appends a value to the noun of cmdlets that allows you to run more than one remote session in the same PowerShell console that you

Start-DAGMaintenanceMode and Stop-DAGMaintenanceMode

These two are really good functions. While I just used others’ code, I do give them credit, but to be able to ‘function these up’ is very handy. Not that I’m lazy…OK, I’m efficient, but having verb-noun at your fingertips, whenever you need to run something, is very convenient. Furthermore, I can’t tell you how


This little function is interesting, it will display the bit version of the Outlook client on a machine. I got this from an internal discussion, that someone needed to get an answer for a customer. I grabbed the code, functioned it up, and here it is. Now, my first thought is, why does it matter?


This Connect-ExchangeServer function runs the PowerShell code to log into an Exchange server on premises using remote PowerShell. Using the -Computer parameter (required), tells the function which Exchange server to connect to. Using the -Prefix parameter (optional), allows a modification to the noun of the imported cmdlets, so that you can have multiple connections in


The Get-DotNETVersion function presents the current .NET version on a machine. This is part of the MO_Module PowerShell code that helps administrators in their daily tasks. From an Exchange Server perspective, .NET support is very sensitive to which version of Exchange and which .NET is allowed to be used. This value also changes based on

MO_Module introduction

I’d like to introduce you to my MO_Module. It’s a PowerShell module, combining several daily administrative tasks into simple Verb-Noun Functions for engineers to perform their jobs easier. I was developing/maintaining several different PS modules, which became more work, so I thought I’d just combine everything into one single place. Since my primary technologies are