Tag: Exchange online

Self-service EWS throttling change

Up until recently, the process to get a relaxed throttling limit during an O365 onboarding migration, was to open a Microsoft Support case. This process is now available as a self-service option. During an O365/M365 data migration, there are several performance best practices to follow. But even after following the guidelines, sometimes the cloud service

Where is OMA?

Some of you may ask, what is OMA? Back in the day, Exchange 2003, mobile devices were starting to make their way into the corporate world. Outlook Mobile Access (OMA) was introduced to help provide a small, thin foot print to mobile devices. You have to also remember that back in 2003, cellular networks were not what they are

O365_Logon module

I created this PowerShell module awhile ago to help O365 Administrators sign into the their online tenant services using simple verb-noun single command lets (cmdlets). While the general O365 PowerShell (PS) sign-in process is straight forward by itself, there are several lines of PS code that need to be combined and executed each and every

Security breach by known bad actor group

Another scary post on Halloween. Scary that is, if you're not following security best practices. This bad actor group exposes a timing issue with O365 safe links. They create a certificate for a site, that looks ligament, and then exploit it as quickly as they can. For example: Securemail.contoso.com. Since the cert is valid and


Where in the world is your mailbox! While not to be confused with Get-MailboxLocation, this function is designed to just give a count and location of the data center hosting up all your mailboxes. It does run Get-Mailbox against the entire online tenant, so that process could take a while depending on the number of

Exchange_AddIn updated

Well, the one constant in IT is change. The MO_Module was too confusing for people to know what it was for, so I went back and updated the Exchange_AddIn PowerShell Module. All of the updated functions over the past several months are being cut over, I've updated all of the helpURI values, and added in


This is another handy one to use, which allows connecting to Exchange Online easily. Similar to the O365_Logon module I have published, this function includes a prefix option. The prefix appends a value to the noun of cmdlets that allows you to run more than one remote session in the same PowerShell console that you


Need to know a member count of ALL distribution groups and e-mail enabled security groups in your organization that exports to a CSV file? Then this function is for you. Get-GroupMemberCount This function simply creates a .CSV file of all the e-mail enabled groups and current member count. May not be the most elaborate task,

Exchange links

Here are some handy short links that help Exchange Server engineers keep up with what's happening within the Exchange world. As always, it's best to have some kind of RSS feed notification, using tools such as: Microsoft Flow or IFTTT.com. The Exchange Team blog, you Had Me at EHLO: aka.ms/ehlo Exchange Server build numbers and

MO_Module introduction

I’d like to introduce you to my MO_Module. It’s a PowerShell module, combining several daily administrative tasks into simple Verb-Noun Functions for engineers to perform their jobs easier. I was developing/maintaining several different PS modules, which became more work, so I thought I’d just combine everything into one single place. Since my primary technologies are