Tag: Exchange Hybrid

Self-service EWS throttling change

Up until recently, the process to get a relaxed throttling limit during an O365 onboarding migration, was to open a Microsoft Support case. This process is now available as a self-service option. During an O365/M365 data migration, there are several performance best practices to follow. But even after following the guidelines, sometimes the cloud service

Health Checker .ps1 for Exchange Server

Mark Nivens created this HealthChecker.ps1 file for Exchange servers for your on premises environment. This script checks various configuration items on the Exchange server to make sure they match the recommendations published in the "Exchange 2013 Sizing and Configuration Recommendations" guidance on TechNet. It also reports on Operating System and hardware information. You can run it remotely against a single

Security breach by known bad actor group

Another scary post on Halloween. Scary that is, if you're not following security best practices. This bad actor group exposes a timing issue with O365 safe links. They create a certificate for a site, that looks ligament, and then exploit it as quickly as they can. For example: Securemail.contoso.com. Since the cert is valid and


The function: Get-DAGDatabaseInformation works in Exchange versions that a DAG (Database Availability Group) exists. From 2010 through 2019, this simple little function presents information to the end user about the status of the databases. In the Exchange Admin Center (EAC), the GUI that is, one must click on each server and each DB to see

Exchange_AddIn updated

Well, the one constant in IT is change. The MO_Module was too confusing for people to know what it was for, so I went back and updated the Exchange_AddIn PowerShell Module. All of the updated functions over the past several months are being cut over, I've updated all of the helpURI values, and added in

Exchange server send/receive limits

Had this question the other day, what are current Exchange on premises limits for messages? And can end users send 10GB file attachments? This site talks about limits, but it also depends on what is available vs. what you can support. By running some PowerShell code, the answers can be provided: Get-ReceiveConnector  | Set-ReceiveConnector -MaxMessageSize

Exchange server administrators, now what are you going to do?

Thought this would be a good Labor Day discussion, about how much labor an Exchange administrator performs. The short answer is, you’ll still be very needed if/when your company decides to move to Exchange online in O365. So you think you’ll lose your job when your company moves Exchange on premises content into O365 using


Need to know a member count of ALL distribution groups and e-mail enabled security groups in your organization that exports to a CSV file? Then this function is for you. Get-GroupMemberCount This function simply creates a .CSV file of all the e-mail enabled groups and current member count. May not be the most elaborate task,

Start-DAGMaintenanceMode and Stop-DAGMaintenanceMode

These two are really good functions. While I just used others’ code, I do give them credit, but to be able to ‘function these up’ is very handy. Not that I’m lazy…OK, I’m efficient, but having verb-noun at your fingertips, whenever you need to run something, is very convenient. Furthermore, I can’t tell you how


This Connect-ExchangeServer function runs the PowerShell code to log into an Exchange server on premises using remote PowerShell. Using the -Computer parameter (required), tells the function which Exchange server to connect to. Using the -Prefix parameter (optional), allows a modification to the noun of the imported cmdlets, so that you can have multiple connections in