Category: Tips and Tricks


The function: Get-DAGDatabaseInformation works in Exchange versions that a DAG (Database Availability Group) exists. From 2010 through 2019, this simple little function presents information to the end user about the status of the databases. In the Exchange Admin Center (EAC), the GUI that is, one must click on each server and each DB to see

Exchange server send/receive limits

Had this question the other day, what are current Exchange on premises limits for messages? And can end users send 10GB file attachments? This site talks about limits, but it also depends on what is available vs. what you can support. By running some PowerShell code, the answers can be provided: Get-ReceiveConnector  | Set-ReceiveConnector -MaxMessageSize

Using the same exact time with Get-Date

Many times, when using Get-Date in PowerShell, it is very easy to have start and end times for reporting processes. However, the issue is, the Get-Date cmdlet runs and obtains the time when it is run. If you want to run a specific time, say at exactly midnight every day, there is a way to

Get-Date in UTC

Need to show time in UTC (Universal Time)? There is a 'method' with the Get-Date cmdlet. If you run: Get-Date | Get-Member You'll find that one of the methods is ToUniversalTime() which allows you to output the time of the local machine, converted to the UTC time. Run the code below to show how the


One issue Exchange engineers run into from time to time, is the need to restart IIS (Internet Information Services). Here is a simple way to restart IIS on all Exchange servers in the organization: Restart-ExchangeIIS I’ve considered scoping this to say just a few servers, but then, that’s easy to remote into a machine and


This Connect-ExchangeServer function runs the PowerShell code to log into an Exchange server on premises using remote PowerShell. Using the -Computer parameter (required), tells the function which Exchange server to connect to. Using the -Prefix parameter (optional), allows a modification to the noun of the imported cmdlets, so that you can have multiple connections in

Exchange links

Here are some handy short links that help Exchange Server engineers keep up with what's happening within the Exchange world. As always, it's best to have some kind of RSS feed notification, using tools such as: Microsoft Flow or The Exchange Team blog, you Had Me at EHLO: Exchange Server build numbers and


The Get-DotNETVersion function presents the current .NET version on a machine. This is part of the MO_Module PowerShell code that helps administrators in their daily tasks. From an Exchange Server perspective, .NET support is very sensitive to which version of Exchange and which .NET is allowed to be used. This value also changes based on

MO_Module introduction

I’d like to introduce you to my MO_Module. It’s a PowerShell module, combining several daily administrative tasks into simple Verb-Noun Functions for engineers to perform their jobs easier. I was developing/maintaining several different PS modules, which became more work, so I thought I’d just combine everything into one single place. Since my primary technologies are

Exchange Server June 2019 updates

It worked out this time: 3rd month, 3rd week, on a Tuesday for the Exchange Server product updates. Not a lot of changes, but a couple of items of interest, the first one, the Exchange Product Group (PG) continues to tighten Active Directory security, which I absolutely love. They have added a few deny values,