Many times in an Exchange server, the IIS (Internet Information Services) is not the issue, but only the sub-set Autodiscover Application Pool. Therefore, once again, instead of just a one-off cmdlet against a single server, we have this function, to blast out to all Exchange servers, to restart their Autodiscover (sometimes referred to as AutoD), app pool and leave IIS running its’ other application pools without disruption.
With this function, I wrote in risk mitigation options. Therefore, instead of just blasting out an entire Restart-ExchangeIIS or Restart-IISOnServers, with no -whatif or -confirm parameters, this function has more control.
As with some of the other functions in the MO_Module, this one is written with a Foreach-Object loop. Currently, you do need to be logged into an Exchange Server PowerShell session, either remote or locally, as this runs the Get-ExchangeServer cmdlet to obtain all Exchange servers in an organization. This function is designed to be aggressive, which sadly, is sometimes needed for a quick resolution across an organization.