Month: March 2020

FieldNote: Scanned firewall, found TCP ports open: 25, 80, 443

One time, I had a phone call from the ISP for the company I was working at and they said they did a firewall scan without notifying us. Ok, thanks for that, but next time, be honest and let us know when you are going to perform a penetration test and we’ll be happy to

Pin virtual guests to specific physical hosts

This is a common discussion, who should be in charge of High Availability (HA), the host virtualization operating system or the application? If you ask an electrician how to fix something, they’ll tell you to rewire it. If you ask a carpenter what is wrong, they will say rebuild it. If you ask a virtualization

Where is OMA?

Some of you may ask, what is OMA? Back in the day, Exchange 2003, mobile devices were starting to make their way into the corporate world. Outlook Mobile Access (OMA) was introduced to help provide a small, thin foot print to mobile devices. You have to also remember that back in 2003, cellular networks were not what they are